A mutual break-up with privacy

Sep 25th, 2011 Personal, Society, Technology Janna Bastow 4 min read

I used to be pretty intensely private about my life, at least when it came to sharing online. That started to change for me when I met Twitter, and slowly and tentatively started putting a little more of myself in the public eye with each tweet. I’ve been exploring the new Timeline view in Facebook, and I love it. I did, however, have a peek…

I love my News FeedListen for the ping,
Glorious updates and links.
Refresh, just once more…

BraveNewTalent's upcoming Facebook application

The Big App Hack

Oct 27th, 2010 Product Janna Bastow 6 min read

Coming up at BraveNewTalent are some exciting times.  We’re growing in clients, revenue, and users at a fantastic rate, have appeared in a stack of national papers this week, and as a team, are having an absolute blast. Case in point: This weekend, when we held our first official “hackathon“.  We needed a Facebook application, fast.  With our client list growing, we needed to create a…