You’ve probably come by here either by accident or by checking out what this ‘SimplyBastow’ thing I’ve got as my email domain is all about.  Truth is, not much, at this moment, although at various times in the past, I’ve used the name as a cover for my sporadic freelance product and project management consulting.  At the time of writing (as you might notice), I’m editing the first post on a brand-spanking-new WordPress 3.0 site, complete with the default theme header.

While I haven’t yet decided what to do with this site, it’ll likely become a holding place for my thoughts, observations, and other general ramblings.

Hopefully, in a few months, this post will be buried in my archives, under a pile of posts that actually say something interesting!  Come again soon?

In the meantime, follow me on Twitter, or track me down on LinkedIn.